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 Affirmation ~

Forgetfulness is the darkness,
Mindfulness is the light.
    -Thich Nhat Hanh
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December CoExist Celebration (12-17-2010) 
Picture this, Christmas "Eve" on December 17th at the First Baptist Church in Portland with a Rabbi leading a Chanukah Celebration and a Christian Minister leading the Christmas Celebration, singing children, candles, and YOU! This combination of craziness could only happen at one thing, Coexist.

In part, I ask you to, "picture this" to help us create it.
That is the vision. The one missing piece right now is the Rabbi. I have many calls in and a few "Maybe's." Either way it will be a fabulous celebration.

We are starting at seven o'clock with a Christmas sing-along/concert with the "Coexist Connection" and special guests, Laura Berman and Craig Benelli.

Come early and sing with us or see you at 7:30 when the service begins.



December 2010 Coexist Celebration Flyer.pdf
For more informaton about the First Baptist Church please visit their website at .

See you there!  Bring a friend! 
    Coexist Celebration ~
    01962 SW Military Rd, Portland, OR 97219
    copyright © 2010 Coexist Celebration
    Website tools & hosting by Precision Computing Arts.